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Droplet-Based PCR for Absolute Quantification of Copy Number Variation

Product Description

Droplet-based PCR is a technique used for absolute quantification of DNA copy number variations (CNVs). CNVs refer to variations in the number of copies of a particular DNA segment between individuals or within a genome. Droplet-based PCR enables the precise quantification of DNA molecules by partitioning the PCR reaction into numerous independent droplets, each containing a single DNA template.


Suppose you are conducting a research study on a gene known to be involved in cancer development. You want to quantitatively analyze the copy number of this gene in various tumor samples using droplet-based PCR. This application of droplet-based PCR can provide valuable insights into the genetic alterations associated with cancer. Researchers can use the technique to identify cases with gene amplifications or deletions, helping to understand the role of specific genes in cancer development and potentially informing personalized treatment strategies.



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