
Droplet Digital PCR System


All-in-one Digital PCR System RS32 SYSTEM

All-in-one Digital PCR System RS32 SYSTEM

1. Fully automatic

Combined the PCR Amplifying Apparatus and the Biochip Scanner within a singular, advanced device.

2. High-Throughput

Simultaneously amplify and read 32 samples, making it highly efficient for large-scale studies and diagnostics.

3. Multi-Color Fluorescence Channels

Equipped with 4-7 channels according to client's demand, it can detect multiple targets in a single tube, ideal for multiplex pathogen detection and other complex applications.

4. Open platform

Compatible with third-party reagents, providing the system with greater flexibility, suitable for broad application.

Digital PCR Application Solutions

  • Bloodstream Infection
  • Pathogen Detection
  • Specialized in product
  • Oncology
  • NIPT
  • Custom Assay Development

Technical Specifications

Product Name

RS32 Fully Automatic All-in-One Digital PCR System






Patent Technology

Mono FlexTM Droplet Generation Technology, Universal MacroTM Microfluidic Flat Heating Technology

Sample Types

All types of nucleic acids

Sample Throughput

4-32 samples/run

Cartridge Specifications

4 samples/cartridge, 8 cartridges/run


500 (W) *750 (D) *600 (H) (mm)


≤ 50 kg

Sample Preparation

Manual loading of samples and droplet generating oils without additional manual operations

Droplet Generation

2 minutes

Droplet Count

20,000 - 25,000

PCR Amplification

Fully automatic integrated droplet generation and amplification system, supports PCR temperature gradient function

Reagent Type

Compatible with various dye- and probe-based assays

Fluorescence Channels

4 colors

5 colors

6 colors

7 colors

Supported Dyes



Atto425/FAM/HEX/ ROX/

CY5/Cy5.5 or FAM/HEX/ROX/CY5/


Atto425/FAM/HEX/ROX/ CY5/Cy5.5/CY7

Detection Method

CMOS, able to identify negative droplets without the need for reference dye


Detectable mutation frequency as low as 0.001%, enabling single-copy detection

Dynamic Range

5 log


± 10%

Sample Recovery

Supports sample recovery by applying pressure to the cartridge

Cartridge Re-scanning

Supports long-term storage and re-scanning of cartridge

Key Features

Droplets formation

20,000 monodisperse droplets were generated in less than 2 minutes, providing partitioned units for Poisson distribution.

Easy to use

Simple workflow similar to qPCR experiments

Data quality control

Software can identify invalid droplet casting confidence in data quality

Integrated System

Small footprint and easy to move around


1-4 samples/cartridge, 1-32 samples/run


4-7 fluorescence channels 

Digital PCR Consumble

DPCR consumables are essential from sample preparation to thermal cycling and analysis. These consumables are crucial for maintaining the integrity of PCR experiments, preventing contamination, and ensuring precise sample handling and analysis. 

Digital PCR Cartridge

Digital PCR Cartridge

The cartridge serves as a reaction container for partitioning PCR reaction mixture into 20,000 individual droplets. Each cartridge has 8 reaction chambers and can process up to 4 samples at a time. Each sample includes 2 reaction chambers.

Digital PCR Cartridge Sealing Cover

Digital PCR Cartridge Sealing Cover

Digital PCR sealing covers are used to seal the sample loading wells, oil wells, and waste wells at each end of the Digital PCR cartridge. The sealing covers create an airtight space that ensures pressure in the PCR reaction and prevents aerosol leakage. 

Heat Transfer Film

Heat Transfer Film

Heat transfer film ensure efficient and uniform heat transfer between the digital PCR cartridge and the heat plate of the PCR Amplifying Apparatus.

Droplet Generation Oil

Droplet Generation Oil

Droplet generation Oil interacts with digital PCR mastermix to form water-in-oil droplets 

Digital PCR Mastermix

Digital PCR Mastermix

The Digital PCR Master Mix contains the PCR enzyme, dNTP, buffer, and other components for digital PCR reactions. It interacts with droplet generating oils to form 20,000 individual droplets in which DNA or RNA templates go through independent PCR amplification.


  • Q: Do the instruments require regular calibration?

    RainSure dPCR instruments are calibration-free if the operating procedures, as well as daily, monthly, and yearly maintenance schedules are followed. Understand that some laboratories require yearly calibration for audit purpose, such service is available upon request and report will be provided.

  • Q: What do I do with empty (no sample) well(s)?

     You can load a maximum of four samples on a single chip, well(s) in the absence of sample need(s) to be filled with oil and water.

  • Q: How should the positive and negative droplets be classified when the fluorescence intensity of the scattergram is low? What are the specific standards?
    A: It is recommended to set up a control experiment to determine the threshold. A general fluorescence intensity threshold of 3000 can be used, alternatively the negative cluster could be used as a guide to differentiate the positive. 
  • Q: Can the software generate an experimental analysis report?

    Yes, RainSure GeneCount Analysis software allows you to produce a report using the standard template and it can be exported in PDF.

  • Q: What are the potential factors that lead to deviations in droplets generated?

    1. The chip is left for too long (> 10 minutes) after the addition of droplet generation oil
    2. Introduction of bubbles during sample addition
    3. Pipetting accuracy
    4. Not adding oil but mastermix first

Our Customers

  • Johnson
  • Johnson
  • Johnson
  • Johnson

Installation and Operation of the RainSure RS32 All-in-One Digital PCR System

RainSure's cutting-edge RS32 series of digital PCR system represents a seamless fusion of droplet generation,PCR thermal cycling, and fluorescence signal analysis within a singular, advanced device.

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